About me

I aim to create long-lasting experiences for the user. Good design can create new experiences for the user. It might create a new habit for a couple to do together, or create a strong enjoyable memory for a family. I value these experiences as these are the most important moments that make life enjoyable.



How do I do this?

I am a people person, during the research phase I am interested to understand what makes people tick. This is done by using design research methods such as contextmapping, Interviews, creative facilitation, and more.


I am a tinkerer, during the design phase I use a wide selection of physical and digital prototyping tools such as Adobe creative suite, Figma, cardboard modeling, Unity, Processing, and more to transform this ‘tick’ into a concept.



A bit more personal

I love a good challenge, this is reflected in my life by the things I do, Every week I go climbing and even outside the climbing gym I try to find every possible way to improve myself in climbing. Reading books, watching videos, if I see a challenge I am going to be the best at it.

My values

 Passion is everything.

Work on something you are passionate about. Nothing is mandatory, everything is your own decision. Working on something you are passionate about is always better than working on something which is safe, steady, and uninteresting.


 Dare to be creative.

Sometimes I feel stuck because I want to do everything in the proper way. What helped me is to not be afraid to get creative. Don’t be afraid to go for that out-of-the-box method or concept. The proper way is not always the best way, creativity leads to innovation.


 Be smart, act dumb.

The best designers are the ones that ask the most questions. Dare to ask stupid questions to your stakeholders. This allows you to get on the same page as them and truly understand each other.


 Be open to everything.

Be open-minded to different opinions, different methods, and new situations. Opening yourself allows you to learn even more. Understand why people do things a certain way, your own method can only be the best method if it has been improved by the input of many other people.


 Failure is learning.

If you put the effort into your work, you will never fail. Doing everything perfect is only helpful for the task you are currently working on. Making many mistakes and learning from those is helpful for the rest of the project and your career.