Turning sustainability into an intrinsic challenge

The project

Improve sustainable behaviour by completing challenges that suit your preference. Challenges can be about food, activity, recycling, or spreading awareness. Greenoffice makes it possible for everyone to contribute towards a better place at the office in something they are good at. Completing a challenge rewards you with a token that can be used to build an abstract shape at your desk. The shape makes it hard to compare yourself to others putting the focus on your own development, stimulating instrinsic motivation.



Project details

Year: 2018

Client: TU Delft, Rabobank

Nature: Individual project

My tasks: Contextmapping 

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The abstract shape makes it hard to compare yourself to others, which put the focus on your own progress and motivates you intrinsically


The goal of the project was to improve the sustainable behavior of the office workers of the Rabobank Eindhoven office. Contextmapping was used in the form of interviews, observations, photo diary, and focus group sessions to understand more about their current context. The final concept was made into a paper prototype and tested for a whole week at a different office, afterwards, interviews were done to gather insights.


Target audience

The target audience were office workers from the IT department of Rabobank Eindhoven. Changing people towards a more sustainable lifestyle is a slow process. Challenging people with tasks that suit their preference makes this process easier.


Contextmapping was done for this project to understand more about the sustainable behaviour of the Rabobank employees. First interviews, observations, and photo diary were done to gain an understanding of the context. Followed by a small assignment and a focus group session to understand how they behave in the context.


Photo diary of current sustainable acts happening at the office

Key insight: Co-workers enjoy challenging each other at the office. They challenge other members of their team. Also, they hold tournaments in Mario kart for leisure.

Day 2
Different sustainable tasks were given to complete in one week
During the focus group session a timeline was made to understand how they reacted on the tasks

Key insight: It is easier to change your behaviour in a skill you are comfortable with. For instance, if you are good at being social, you should raise awareness for sustainable options.


A paper prototype was made to test the concept at the Rabobank for a week. Participants had to complete challenges and they would score points for each completed challenge. Interviews were done afterward to gain feedback. 

Paper prototype of the first concept, completing a challenge allowed you to raise your tower.

Key insight: A competition causes extrinsic motivation. Workers fell into old habits when the competition was over and thus the incentive to be sustainable was gone.

The second iteration focuses more on improving own behaviour. You are challenged by cards but are rewarded by tokens which can be used to create abstract shapes. The reward is harder to compare to others. The focus of the incentive is less about competition and more about self-growth.

Final iteration was tested at the IT department of Lyceo

Things I learned during this project

1-  Sometimes the target group themselves don’t understand their own context. Using an assignment helps them to reflect on their own behaviour.


2-  Work in the environment you are learning about. You will learn from just being there, even when you are not doing a user study.


3-  Make time for a small chat with your target group before/after your user research. In an informal setting, you get valuable honest feedback.