I would define myself as a tinkerer and a people person. This is reflected in the challenges I seek. This page shows some of my hobby projects, jobs, or old projects that would define me as a person and designer.
Me as a people person
Working with other people is something I enjoy in general. During my bachelor’s, I was part of several study committees that worked on organizing events. I was part of the Gala committee and head of the introduction committee.
During my study, I have been working in jobs that benefit from empathic skills. As I have been a tutor for first-year students, a Workshop facilitator for high school students, and a student assistant conducting interviews for research.
Every challenge helped me to understand a different aspect of how a person acts and operates. Understanding how to react to this helped me to become a better designer.
Me as a tinkerer
I enjoy making my concepts come to life, I can spend hours on tinkerer on a prototype. My goal is to capture the experience of the concept as close as possible therefore I have been working with many different tools. Below are several projects that i did in my free time or were to old to show as an individual project.
During the corona period, I used the extra time to learn more about VR programming in unity. I was improving this skill so I could create a more realistic and immersive experience for user testing.
Using the virtual reality toolkit asset in unity
Coing collect games based on a playground in Eindhoven
For my bachelor’s graduation project, I created an app in Unity in which you can play games using the environment of your own playground nearby. A preset environment was used for this prototype.
Using the virtual reality toolkit asset in unity
Music project from my bachelor’s. It is a turning table with a plastic disk of sand on top of it. Drawing in the sand causes light to fall on the light sensors below the disk. Using Arduino, Processing, and Ableton a sound plays every time light falls on the sensor. Creating the first DJ table to be used with sand.